Question 1:
You have been making lots of Apps lately. Are you still planning on making browser based games in the future? |
Answer 1:
Well, we have 13 Gamerias on the web right now, with Papa’s Sushiria being the newest. We have been extra busy trying to remake them as phone and tablet apps. We will still be releasing browser games. In fact, we are already in early development of the next browser-based Gameria. |
Question 2:
What happened to Foodini’s Friday Games? |
Answer 2:
Foodini’s Friday Games have been a staple of our blog since 2012. However, if you have been noticing over the last year, we have slowly been phasing out the amount of Foodini’s Friday Games on our site. We started off with 3 new games a week. Then we dropped it to 2 new games a week and a classic from the past. Then 1 new game and 2 classics. Soon, it became just the classics. Ultimately, the pool of quality Flash games has been diminishing, so there wasn’t much to choose from and we needed to wrap it all up. |
Question 3:
Will Customerpalooza be back this year? |
Answer 3:
Yes, we are working on it right now! If all goes well, it should be out by the end of the month. |