Wendy’s Wheels: The LuvvaBug!
Hey Everyone!
Welcome back to Wendy’s Wheels! Here we showcase the amazing karts created by Wendy at the Greasy Gear Garage in Maple Mountain.
This week’s exhibit is a custom kart created for Zoe called… The LuvvaBug. The kart is a loveable roadster design with pink fur upholstery. The LuvvaBug bubbly design brings a smile to everyone she races. Zoe believes that this delightful style will make her competition “chill out”, allowing her to effortlessly take the lead.
PNC23: Aprajita Division: Round 2
Papa’s Next Chefs: Aprajita Division Round 2: Budwin vs Greg & Indigo vs Cherissa.
You decide who moves on to the Division Finals and closer to becoming Papa’s Next Chefs!