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Category: Flipdeck

Flipdeck 188: Guy Mortadello

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By , July 28, 2017 4:55 pm

Guy Mortadello
First Appearance:
Guy Mortadello was once the owner of the world’s largest restaurant chain, Mortadello’s Meat Pies. He was a pioneer in made-to-order meals. At the time, people had very few choices for fast food. Guy took advantage of this and baked pies made of the cheapest ingredients, rendering them barely palatable. That all changed when Papa’s Pizzeria came along. As Papa Louie opened more and more restaurants, Guy slowly lost all his customers. His last remaining Meat Pie shop in Toastwood was put out of business by the delicious sandwiches of Papa’s Cheeseria.


Flipdeck 187: Strawbuzzy

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By , July 18, 2017 3:19 pm

First Appearance:
Common Strawbuzzies are descendants of the once domesticated Homing Strawbuzzies. Early Scoopian settlers used them to send messages from town to town. As technology advanced, the need for Homing Strawbuzzies diminished, and they slowly returned to the wild. They took a liking to the bridges and buildings of the towns they once serviced and have remained there ever since. Many Scoopians visit Spumoni Square to feed the large flocks of Strawbuzzies throughout the park.


Flipdeck 186: Janana

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By , July 6, 2017 2:26 pm

First Appearance:
Ever since she was young, Janana has been a connoisseur of popular music. Although she cannot play any instrument herself, Janana has stayed rooted in the music scene by becoming a freelance Music Agent. She first fell into the job during high school, when she worked part time at Hugo’s Warped Records. There, Janana managed bookings for her boss, DJ Honey Buster. Since then, she has expanded her client list to include bands such as The Beach Cobblers, Doom Brûlée, and the highly acclaimed, Scarlett and the Shakers.


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