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Category: Preview

Sneak Peek: Amy visits Papa’s Scooperia!

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By , April 10, 2018 4:34 pm

Hey Everyone!

While we are hard at work on Papa’s Scooperia, we wanted to showcase the newest Customerpalooza winner… Amy by Faithesque!

Unfortunately, we didn’t want to show you what she orders for Valentine’s Day. So instead, we gave her single scoop of strawberry. Sorry Amy…


Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of Papa’s Scooperia!

Sneak Peek: Summertime Scooperia

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By , April 3, 2018 3:37 pm

Hey Everyone!

We wanted to take this week to answer the number one question everyone has been asking… WHEN IS SCOOPERIA COMING OUT???

Papa’s Scooperia has been one of the largest Gameria projects that we have ever worked on. This is because of several factors…

  1. The future of browser-based Flash games is looking very unclear. With most major browsers announcing an eventual end to Flash game support, we can no longer just release a web-game on its own. So now, we have to release Papa’s Scooperia alongside its app counterparts to give the game its best chance at success. That means we have to make THREE different versions of the game, one for the web, one for Tablets (HD), and one for mobile phones (To Go).
  2. We are also building a brand new “To-Go” game engine for our phone-based version of Papa’s Scooperia To Go. We have been working with the current “To Go” engine since Papa’s Burgeria To Go. That’s over 5 years ago! A lot has changed for mobile phones during that time, and the old “To Go” engine is getting maxed out. Making a brand new Gameria game engine takes a very long time and this will basically be our fifth engine (the previous ones were Pre-Taco-Mia, Web, HD, and the current To-Go). Don’t worry, we will dive into all the bells and whistles of Papa’s Scooperia To Go in future blog posts!

So with that being said, back to the question at hand: WHEN IS SCOOPERIA COMING OUT???

Although we don’t have a solid date yet… based on our current schedule, we are looking at a summer release (north american summer). We know that seems very far away, but rest assured, we are working as fast as we can on these three versions of Papa’s Scooperia!

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of Papa’s Scooperia!

Sneak Peak: The Bake Station!

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By , March 29, 2018 12:09 pm

Hey Everyone!

Today we would like to show off the Bake Station for Papa’s Scooperia!

On the left side of the oven, you will see the dough balls that you made from the Dough Station. Below the oven are three empty plates.

As cookies finish baking, you will drag them to a plate. If your order calls for more than one cookie, the plate will expand to fit up to three of them.

When the cookies for an order are done and on the plate, simply click on the green button below the plate to send them off to the Build Station!

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of Papa’s Scooperia!


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