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Category: Preview

Sneak Peek: Build Station Part 1

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By , January 25, 2016 11:21 am

Hey Everyone!

Usually when we preview a Gameria, we save the stations for last.  But this week, we wanted to break from that tradition and show off part of the Build Station in Papa’s Bakeria.

After you have taken down your customers order, you’ll first need to head to the Build Station. A panel door will slide open, revealing your available pie crusts…

The bottom box on the ticket denotes which pie crust your customer would like. You’ll then grab the correct crust from the deep container and drag it into your pie pan. Once the crust is resting securely in the pan, the door will automatically close and the pan will slide up and into position.

From there, a large filling tube will lower, along with a fill gauge and topping buttons. You will notice on the ticket that it calls for 75% Apple and 25% Pecan. You will first click on the apple button and press the green “Pour” button. You will want to stop as soon as the bar reaches the third line.

After that, you will choose the Pecan button, and fill it up to the top.

Once the pie is completely filled, it will move onto the second phase of the Build Station, but we must save that for a future post. Although it seems like a lot of steps, the actual process is fast and smooth!



Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of Papa’s Bakeria!!


Penny: All Cleaned Up!

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By , January 21, 2016 8:30 am

Hey Everyone!

Penny has been around since the pixelated days of Papa Louie: When Pizzas Attack! Now she’s all cleaned up and better than ever!


Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of Papa’s Bakeria!!


Sneak Peek: Steven’s Debut!

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By , January 18, 2016 10:16 am

Hey Everyone!

Here at Flipline Studios, we are deep within the development of Papa’s Bakeria. It’s been pretty challenging getting the pies to work just right and look like the mock up in the banner above. But have no fear, Matt managed to make it a reality using his programming magic.

So check out the pie, all sliced exactly like it should be! More importantly, check out Steven enjoying his first pie from Papa’s Bakeria! Luckily, Yui tagged along to help him finish it. Steven was the winner of Kingsley’s Customerpalooza 2015, and we are excited to finally get him in the game!


Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of Papa’s Bakeria!!


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