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Category: Preview

Sneak Peek: Cupcakeria To Go Update

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By , September 3, 2015 4:50 pm

Hey Everyone!

This week we wanted to give you an update on the development of Papa’s Cupcakeria To Go! We have finished working on the app, and we have submitted it for review to the App Stores. This process can take a while, and any issues can result in an additional few weeks of waiting. But if all goes smoothly, it should be available this month, but we can’t make any promises.

Once everything is approved, we will announce the official launch date of Papa’s Cupcakeria To Go!

In the meantime check out Papa’s Cupcakeria To Go’s official website:


Sneak Peek: The Build Station!

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By , August 26, 2015 5:06 pm

Hey Everyone!

This week’s sneak peek is the Build Station from Papa’s Cupcakeria To Go!

After perfectly cooking your cupcakes in the Bake Station, you will head over to the Build Station. The first thing you will need to do is choose the correct frosting.

There will be a total of 14 frosting to unlock in this game. Once you picked the right one, you will slowly move the cupcake back and forth with your finger to frost it.

In the online version of Papa’s Cupcakeria, in-order to get large mouse movements translated into precision frosting, there became a slight disconnect that made frosting cupcakes difficult for some people. However in Papa’s Cupcakeria To Go, the precision lies at your fingertips, and you will find frosting the cupcakes a much more enjoyable and rewarding experience! This station will also have a “Copy” upgrade that will mimic the frosting from the first cupcake and frost it onto the second.

After both cupcakes are frosted, you will move onto the more traditional “To Go” build area. There, you will add syrups, sprinkles, and toppers. You’ll also be pleased to hear that we crammed even MORE TOPPINGS in this version!

One minor change that we had to make in Papa’s Cupcakeria To Go was the way the Toppers are displayed on tickets. You will notice the first cupcake has 2 cherries above it. In the online version, each cupcake had a single row to show you how to lay out the toppers, but for this version, we didn’t have enough room on the ticket. So now if you see two toppers over a cupcake, you will need to distribute them evenly, one on the left, and one on the right. If you see a single topper over a cupcake, you will just need to drop it in the center.

Back to the cupcakes… Once they are all decorated properly, it’s time to serve them to your patiently waiting customer.

Hey look at that… PERFECT!!! Your customer will grade you on how well you made the cupcake. Then you will earn points, tips, and of course, Mini-Game Tickets!

That’s it for this weeks preview. Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of Papa’s Cupcakeria To Go!

Sneak Peek: The Bake Station!

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By , August 19, 2015 4:51 pm

Hey Everyone!

This week’s sneak peek is the Bake Station from Papa’s Cupcakeria To Go!

A few weeks ago, we showed off the Batter Station, where you choose the Cupcake wrapper design and poured the correct cake batter. After all that is done, the cupcake tray slides over to the Bake Station. From there, you will drag the cupcake tray into the oven where they will bake and slowly rise up. This station will have various upgrades like Boosters and Alarms for all four quadrants of the oven.

Once the cupcakes are properly cooked, you will drag them to the green tray and send them over to the Topping Station.

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of Papa’s Cupcakeria To Go!

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