Kingsley’s Customerpalooza 2019: Tiger Tail Division: Round 2:
Reese by MausoleumMoth –VS– Molly by 6ad 6a6y
Goos by Galaxico –VS– Jeffrie by Mannie
You decide who moves forward to the Division Semi-Finals and closer to winning the Customerpalooza!
- Reese (2,010 votes)
- Molly (1,734 votes)
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- Goos (1,486 votes)
- Jeffrie (2,270 votes)
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Kingsley’s Customerpalooza 2019: Moon Mist Division: Round 2:
Kathy by FeatheryLobsterBz –VS– Elise by MintGold
Honey by borque –VS– Jessie by CrazyMAKER
You decide who moves forward to the Division Semi-Finals and closer to winning the Customerpalooza!
- Kathy (2,093 votes)
- Elise (2,578 votes)
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- Honey (1,855 votes)
- Jessie (2,802 votes)
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Hey Everyone!
It’s been well over two months since the end of the OnionFest Crown Classic, when all of you choose Ninjoy and Jojo as the champions. Since then, we have been hard at work designing statuettes for the the reigning king and queen of OnionFest.
Today we have some great news because the long awaited Ninjoy and Jojo Statuettes are here and available to purchase in the Flipline Shop!

Each Statuette Stands 4.25 inches tall and is made of crystal-clear, laser-cut acrylic. Each one is numbered and signed by us. Each statuette will be part of a limited-run production. There will only be 100 of each of these statuettes made, and once each have reach that number, those designs will be retired.
In order to stop our office from becoming a warehouse of standees, flipdecks, and derpy onions, we will be producing each statuette design in five batches of 20 each. So right now, in the shop there are 20 Ninjoy Statuettes and 20 Jojo Statuettes. Once those are all sold, we will start up another round of production until we reach that magic number of 100 each.
On top of all that, we also have 8 MORE STATUETTES coming soon. A new one will arrive in the shop each week, so keep a look out!