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KCP17: Maple Mountain Division: Round 1

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By , September 13, 2017 4:37 pm

Heya Folks!

Thank you all for submitting some of the classiest customers yet! Also thank you for doing the majority of my job by casting over 1,900,000 votes, and finding the best of the best!

So let’s get this party started with… Maple Mountain Division… Round 1… VOTE!

Kingsley’s Customerpalooza 2017: Maple Mountain Division: Round 1:
Jason by TyDog1016   –VS–     Adam by Jasmine Joy
Sabrina by Sugarpuff      –VS–     Mia by Dimmy

You decide who moves forward to the Division Semi-Finals and closer to winning the Customerpalooza!

  • Jason (6,023 votes)
  • Adam (3,675 votes)

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  • Sabrina (5,222 votes)
  • Mia (4,523 votes)

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Customerpalooza 2017 voting begins!

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By , September 6, 2017 10:59 am

Hey Everyone!

In just one week, we received 25,920 entries into Kingsley’s Customerpalooza 2017!

Now the voting phase of the competition has started. To start voting, you’ll first want to go to www.flipline.com/kcp17.

From there, click on the “VOTE!” Arrow to start the rolling competition. Each match will take place between 3 contestants. You will notice 3 tickets hanging in the upper-right corner. Drag the “1″ Ticket to the contestants you like the best,  the “2″ Ticket for second favorite, and the “3″ Ticket to your third favorite contestant. Click the “Vote” button to submit your vote, and continue on with the next match just the same.

If you want to share your own contestants with others, first click on the “CREATE” Arrow to see your customers. There will be a link at the bottom of this screen that you can copy and paste to share with others. When someone goes to your link, one of your customers will appear in a voting match with other contestants, where they can decide if they like your customer better than the others! After that person votes, your other entries will appear in the next voting matches after that.

Keep voting to help determine the finalists in Kingsley’s Customerpalooza 2017! You have until the end of Tuesday, September 12th to vote and share!


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Customerpalooza Spotlight!

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By , September 5, 2017 4:25 pm

Kingsley’s Customerpalooza 2017 has over 25,000 entrants!!! Here is the Customer Spotlight of some of today’s submissions!

Don’t forget, you have until the end of Today to submit your character.
So hurry up!!! www.flipline.com/kcp17



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