Flipline Blog

Flipdeck 188: Guy Mortadello

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By , July 28, 2017 4:55 pm

Guy Mortadello
First Appearance:
Guy Mortadello was once the owner of the world’s largest restaurant chain, Mortadello’s Meat Pies. He was a pioneer in made-to-order meals. At the time, people had very few choices for fast food. Guy took advantage of this and baked pies made of the cheapest ingredients, rendering them barely palatable. That all changed when Papa’s Pizzeria came along. As Papa Louie opened more and more restaurants, Guy slowly lost all his customers. His last remaining Meat Pie shop in Toastwood was put out of business by the delicious sandwiches of Papa’s Cheeseria.



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Sneak Peek: The Cut Station

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By , July 27, 2017 2:27 pm

Hey Everyone!

This week we have a bonus sneak peek for you… The Cut Station!

Once you have built and baked the perfect pizza for your customer, you will head over to the Cut Station. Here you will cut your pizza up into the correct amount of slices depending on what your customer has specified. Pizzas can be cut into 4, 6, 8, or 9 slices. Each type of cut has an optional guide that you can buy in the shop with your well-earned tips.

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of Papa’s Pizzeria HD!




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Peggy’s Fan Art Round Up

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By , July 26, 2017 12:03 pm

Hey Everyone,

We had a huge amount of fan art this last month. Check out this awesome art from Letsplay21, Lemonade813, aronora, DokiDokiTsuna, 763Lilypadpandaowl, Chozam, ObedART2015, Panmars, OrangeMonkey15, Manniie, blossykong, and VulpesVespa



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