Flipline Blog

Foodini’s Friday Games!

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By , May 13, 2016 4:53 pm
Deterministic Dungeon
I’m fed up with coding!This is me passing the baton to you to DETERMINE everything that would have been random about this dungeon crawling game! You ARE the Random Number Generator! THE POWER IS YOURS! Play Now!
Hero Simulator
Set this wandering knight on the road and allow him to take on quests and fight monsters as you do your own thing away from the computer. When you’re ready, come on back and see just how powerful he has grown!
Play Now!
Coloruid 2
Complete levels by consuming areas of different color. Play Now!


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Peggy’s Fan Art Round Up!

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By , May 11, 2016 9:08 am

Hey Everyone,

We had a huge amount of fan art in the last month. Check out this awesome art from aronora763LilypadpandaowlLemonade813MintExprezzDokiDokiTsunaAwesomePaper, Shawna1111Chozam, VulpesVespaslendergirldx, GwentheferretPart2, ObedART2015Tasianacat, Larissa M, Twilight Sparkle, RoseKitty, Neprune Efron, PeppermintLeaf, Patient, papa fan, Puppet3, MachoNacho, Timmy Taco, Julian, Mouse Frappuccino, li1043, EmperorNortonII, and Keivin R!



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Sneak Peek: Revitalized Tacodale

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By , May 10, 2016 9:02 am

Hey Everyone!

Remembering back to 2011, as we finished designing the outside shot for the original Papa’s Taco Mia, we thought.. “Wow, that’s a lot of detail!”

And in all fairness, compared to the previous Gamerias, it was a lot of detail. But as time passed, the gameria’s outside shots have become more and more detailed, leaving the original Tacodale looking a little lackluster.

So when we decided to make Papa’s Taco Mia HD, the first thing we wanted to do was update the old Tacodale scene. So feast your eyes on the new and improved… TACODALE!!!

Click on the image to see it in widescreen!

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of Papa’s Taco Mia HD!


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